Greg Stuhr

Vocals, Bass Guitar,
Tattoos Greg
spent the first six years of his musical career on guitar before hearing his
calling to bass. A founding member of Severity, he's been the backbone of
their songwriting team, bringing his hard-driving, powerful influences to the
center stage. He
began pulling together the entity that would become Severity in late 1996 with
drummer Brandon Price, and later long-time friend and guitarist Dan "The
Man" Furno. They began writing songs, some of which are still played
by Severity today, such as Blood, Back
In The Front, and Compulsive Behavior.
The band was still incomplete, however, until Gabe Swart stopped by one day to
sit in on a jam session. Gabe and Greg had previously written together on Sign
of the Wolf during a brief stint with another band. After hearing the
potential of Severity, Gabe agreed to join the band, and the rest, as they say,
is history... Greg prefers to
attack audiences armed with Jackson and Alvarez 5-string basses, Boss limiter/enhancer pedals
and a Crate BXH-220 2XiS amp that will blow your socks off. He shares
songwriting and lead vocals with Gabe, and you will hear influences ranging from
traditional thrash metal such as Anthrax, Fight, Metallica and Testament to
modern industrial rock such as Korn, Tool, Two and White Zombie in his material.